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Writer: Donald Ryan HodgeDonald Ryan Hodge

Most clients feel lost when it comes to nutrition. There are far too many choices out there for the “perfect” diet or eating plan to actually exist. Everyone will have unique needs and these things change over time. Schedules change, tastes change, metabolism changes, etc. We all know what foods we shouldn’t be eating. So do our clients. Processed foods, fast food, and even “organic” cookies/treats are not on that list. It doesn’t mean we necessarily need to avoid those foods like the plague. However, we all know the less clients put those kinds of things into their bodies the better. Call these “sometimes foods”.

“Sometimes foods” aside clients are still left with TONS of foods to choose to eat. Again don’t get lost in the usual debates over whether paleo, vegan, bulletproof, etc. is right. Start with identifying which foods make your clients feel great and those that don’t. Interestingly enough their particular body may not digest coconut, avocados, cauliflower, or other “healthy” foods very well. I’m not saying any of the previously mentioned foods are bad. Just understand that we are all different and may need to eat differently. No way right?!?

Here are three free and easy ways to help your clients determine if a food item sits right with their body. Have your client:

1) Monitor their stool

2) Monitor their energy levels

3) Monitor their skin

Notice that the word monitor is used. That means these things need to be checked regularly over time until the desired outcome is reached. These three things are a great place to start with most because they are free and easy to check.

1) Monitor their stool

Understand that there is a lot that our stool can tell us about our health. Using the shape, color, and texture of our stool we can better understand how our food choices are effecting us. Here is an excellent chart from Precision Nutrition with a general concept of how to look for healthy stool:

If your client’s stool is looking anything less than type 4 than remove one questionable food item for 2 weeks straight. Monitor how things change. Remember the time it takes to digest a meal varies from person to person. A good place to start is using the first stool of the day to determine how well the food from the previous night’s dinner was digested.

2) Monitor their energy levels

If your clients get 7+ hours of sleep a night (we will assume its good quality sleep) and are still tired then check their diet. Have them measure their energy levels daily on a scale of 1-10. 10 being high energy and 0 being low. Try having them check their energy levels first thing in the morning and 1-2 hours after meals. Feeling tired first thing in the morning could be from the foods they ate the night before. Just like feeling tired 1-2 hours after a meal could be from the previous meal.

3) Monitor their skin

If there are any areas of the body that are “breaking out” or sensitive then that can also be related to their diet. Many dermatologists recommend to eat a diet low in sugar, dairy, and processed foods for that reason. Eliminate a potential provoking food for 2 weeks and see how their skin changes. Top choices to start for most would be dairy, gluten, GMOs, or processed sugar.

There are plenty of other ways to help clients find the right foods. Elimination diets, blood work, stool samples, and other methods can all help you more quickly get some answers. As your client begins to dial in which foods are more appropriate for them then that is the best time to start building your eating plan. It is much easier to get results for your client when they eliminate the items that arn’t right for them first! Lower inflammation, more energy, and better digestion are all possible when we eat the right things. Now go and use these tools to help someone feel better!



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